Local and Data Center Configuration


Configuring workstations is one of the main tasks we take care of. We are familiar with Linux, Microsoft, and iMac environments, both on the client and server side.

We have a data center in Breganzona (Lugano - Switzerland) within the Swisscom data center, and we plan to open two backup sites in 2023 for disaster recovery and business continuity, one in Switzerland and another outside Switzerland, to offer a new service we are developing for certain foreign clients.


In Detail

Over the years, we have supported many activities, and we continue to do so. In general, they can be summarized as follows:

  • Formatting and management of workstations.
  • Formatting and management of servers, switches, and routers, both locally and in our data centers or yours.
  • Creation and management of VPN and IPSEC.
  • Creation and management of point-to-point networks.
  • Creation and management of MPLS.
  • Configuration and management of Linux and CISCO firewalls.
  • Configuration and management of proxy servers and reverse proxies.
  • Configuration and management of standalone and domain-linked file servers.
  • Configuration and management of computer names and domains.
  • Configuration and management of file servers and application servers.
  • Configuration and management of data centers, including cabling.
  • Installation of local rack cabinets in your businesses.
  • Leasing and sale of computer equipment.

Upcoming New Elements


We are always looking for new features, mainly based on our clients' requests. Our approach includes submitting a client's request for adding a new feature to a thorough analysis of the request.

Then, we respond promptly and discuss with the client about the new feature, its impacts on the system, employees using the software we provide, and the overall context.

Based on in-depth analyses and on a case-by-case basis, we cover up to 80% of the costs for the modifications. Some improvements effectively benefit our software, so we are willing to make them without putting a significant burden on our client, while others are too specific, and we may consider contributing to less than 80% of the costs.